Open Call for: Owning It!


Open call for Owning It! – Embracing Our Bodies, Sexuality, and Power

Edited by S.B. Roark and Sienna Saint-Cyr

What are we looking for in this anthology? Stories that include loving our bodies, embracing our sexuality, and owning our power. We’re tired of men being shamed for the size of their penis or ability to show emotion. Tired of women being told they need to smile more because their resting bitch face isn’t happy enough. Tired of power being abused, slut-shaming, and body-shaming.

We want characters with agency and relatable situations. Men dealing with toxic masculinity, a wheelchair-bound woman with a desire to pole dance, an intersexual and gender fluid character that swaps between Mommy and Daddy for their submissive. Show us power used properly. Healthy sexuality. Bodies that heat us up no matter size, shape, ability or color…

Give us characters that love who they are or learn to love who they are.

Nothing illegal.

Heat level: Hot to Intense
Word count: 3000-6000 words
Pairing: Any
No simultaneous submissions
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017

Send submissions to with the anthology and your story title in the subject line. See submissions page for formatting details. Please send word docs.

Payment – 60% of net royalties split between authors.

“Shifting rape culture one sexy story at a time.”